Mushroom Growing

Hundreds of Mushroom
I decided to write this review to share a little about my experience with Mushroom Growing 4 You.
This extremely useful and practical guide to naturally and easily grow mushrooms at home.
I came across the idea when a friend of mine bought a box that contained something that, when watered, edible mushrooms grew out of it. I thought the idea was cool, but it was very small and they took too long to grow.
Whenever I´d go to his place I’d see this and keep thinking on how cool the concept was, but I didn`t want to pay around 100 USD for something that just looked cool.
Little by little I started getting into producing my own vegetables, herbs, etc. So, I started watching YouTube videos with their recommendations, reviews, and tips to grow the things that I liked, in the back yard, and free of pesticides.
When I started to learn about mushrooms, how their tissue is composed of cavernous structures that are very sensitive to the environment and, when exposed to pesticides, have a high absorption rate.
This is when I decided to take action and started planning on how to add mushrooms to my crops and my research journey began.
For the most part, all the tutorials and books I found for free online were very messy and complicated. Getting into terms that I am still not familiar with and asking me to basically adapt all my habitat so the mushrooms could grow.
  • Buy expensive equipment
  • Adjust a whole part of my house
  • Create perfect conditions
  • Handle things like in a laboratory
I was excited about the project but it was starting to absorb a lot of effort and planning, and it started to become tedious, and I started second guessing my decision.

Finding the right method

As I kept on researching, I started bumping into recommendations of books or systems that actually costed quite a lot and I was not ready to pay for such advanced courses.
Frustration started to kick in: Why is it so difficult to find an easy to follow method on growing mushrooms?
Finally, a friend of mine advised me on trying Mushroom Growing 4 You. So, I went in, read various reviews and did some research, considered the price and, because of their money back policy, I decided to give it a try.
As soon as I decided to buy, and finalized the purchase, I got the Book in PDF format in my inbox.
I remember perfectly how, while I was reading through the book, I started planning the family project we were going to have with growing mushrooms together, and this is how I finally decided to make It happen.

Unexpected benefits

As I went on reading, I decided that I was going to do it by myself in the beginning, and then bring the kids on board. I wanted to be sure how to do it so I could teach my children.
I tried the first batch, followed the instruction on the main book together with tips from the bonus books.
After the mushrooms grew and they were ready to harvest, I couldn’t believe how:
Mushrooms beside the tree
  • It is easy to grow at home
  • They grow well and healthy
  • They can grow free of pesticides
  • It is not as messy as I imagined
So, there it was, our first mushroom harvest, and of course, we invited some friends for dinner so we could celebrate with dishes that contained our delicious, homegrown, price.
There was a problem though. I went a little enthusiastic and grew many mushrooms. So, I had around 3 full containers and I didn´t want the mushrooms to spoil. So we gave some to our friends.
After learning about the project, every time they learned that I was growing (of course it hit my Facebook), my friends started to show interest in the mushrooms, so I decided to assemble small bags and sell them.
It was a success.
Due to my enthusiasm, the children really wanted to help and learn how mushrooms grew. So I taught them guided them through the process and they were very happy helping.
Baby is helping in the garden
Then, we had a family project that was paying for our going to the movies, a restaurant, or some theme parks.

Why organic mushrooms?

We all have heard about the damaging consequences of that pesticides have in our foods have in our bodies in the long run.
When I decided to grow my own vegetables, I was aiming to have access to an alternative that I created for myself.
I couldn´t believe how in such an age where information is readily available and we humans have more access to more options that never before, I didn’t seem to have a choice but to settle for supermarket goods.
Beautiful garden
It’s been almost 5 years since I started this practice. Here are some of the benefits I´ve experienced:
  • Less asthma attacks on my children
  • Better mental condition throughout the day
  • More stamina
  • Saved tons of money in organic food
  • Have created an interesting family activity
American family in the rain on Inca Trail several kilometers from Machu Picchu
With the mushrooms being capable or absorbing so much of their environment, it is a relief for us now that we can enjoy this delicious food in a healthier way, adding up to our healthy diet.

The side business

As word spread about our family hobby and the organic mushrooms. More people started contacting me via Facebook asking about the mushrooms and their prices.
In some instances, I was asked about the process, some people even tried to learn from me but they were too lazy to do it. But I completely enjoy it.
So, with all the interest that the mushrooms were getting, I started selling more and more, until it had to become a side business.
It is nice to complement our family income with an activity that we do in our home, demands very little time from us and is making us hundreds of dollars a month.

How does it work?

Jake´s Mushroom Growing 4 You eBook is a very thorough guide on how to grow organic mushrooms in your house.
Not only is it in the PDF, but also there are a series of instructional videos that give examples to follow and have better results.
Mushrooms always require a proper environment to grow but, the difference between Mushroom Growing 4 You and other guides I found, is that Mushroom Growing 4 You doesn´t ask you to out of your way to creating this environment. Making the project easier and enjoyable.
So, basically, you can create a good environment for your mushrooms to grow better with things you have at home.
When I read about this, I thought it was a scam, but as I saw my mushrooms grow, I was actually positively surprised on succeeding on my first attempt!

The main equipment

One thing that immediately became a nuisance in my mind was thinking about the equipment.
Due to my previous research, I knew I was going to need some kind of artificial environment. When I was first learning about the process I felt overwhelmed by the idea of Still Air Boxes, Incubators, etc.
Well, with Jake White’s method, it was extremely easy to build my own out of cheap, readily available parts.
The hassle that I dreaded in my mind had become yet another fulling DIY project that I was able to tackle almost as an expert and got complete reassurance once the mushrooms started to grow.
Many of the manuals I read online talked about growing and harvesting, as easy as that. But with Mushroom Growing 4 You I learned about preserving spores, ensuring next harvest, and freshness during the harvesting process, which is actually pretty cool.

Why does it work?

For many of us, when we start something we hold back or start with the fear of failure. It is common to stumble with different ways of doing things that tend to be vague or never really land an idea.
While reading other reviews, I noticed how the words “simple” and “easy” kept showing up, and so, I decided to buy.
Mushroom Growing 4 You works because:
  • It is well outlined
  • It´s task based, not theory based
    • It´s not a lesson on the fungi species, but a practical manual on growing them.
  • Technical terms are clearly explained
  • Its vocabulary is for everyone
  • It aims for house hold or over the counter solutions
The things I had to buy were very few, most things I already had at home which was extremely useful.
Because the book is so easy to read and understand, even the children could jump on board helping by reading directions while someone else performed the given task. No one got lost in words or technicalities.
So then, because of the things that we read, we created, the whole process was dynamic or entertaining.
I can understand that Jake’s objective was not this when he wrote the eBook, but it manages to be dynamic and fun, and the progression is so well outlined, it is easy to connect previous activities and learn fast.
It works because it involves your hands, your mind, your attention. If you are passionate about nature or growing things for yourself and those you care for… It works like cooking for someone you love, but instead of cooking, you are growing something for them, and that, for me, is fulfilling.

Start right away

As soon as you buy the book, you´ll get the PDF version of it in your inbox. Because it´s a PDF, you can basically read it anywhere, so the learning process doesn´t stop.
Most things from the beginning you can start doing as soon as you start reading, and those you can´t, it’s just a matter of buying very basic and cheap materials, come home, and resume.
So, you buy the guide, you get it in your inbox, and start right away. However, maybe one idea is not that clear to you, so you also get the videos of the tasks, where Jake walks you through making things happening and you can see an expert doing it and just follow.
While you are doing this one project, maybe you are like me and you need other things going on in your life. I really struggle to focus.
Then, after you buy Mushroom Growing 4 You, you get the PDF and videos, you also get extra books that help you a lot with your gardening and growing your own foods.

Bonus material

Out of the 6 books, 2 really stood up for me:
  • Herbs for Health and Home
  • Worm Farming
Remember I mentioned before in this review that I was growing my own herbs? Well, I started learning:
  • How to take care of my herbs
  • Where to position them indoors or outdoors strategically
  • Which ones can grow in the same pot
  • Which ones should be put together
It became extremely useful to have around and go back for references every now and then.
My herbs are actually growing better, greener. Especially my mint and basil. So I get to take care of that part as well.
With the Worm Farming eBook, I learned about creating compost full of minerals and life for my plants.
The way the soil boosts the healthy grow of my plants and mushrooms is unbelievable.
I used to think that making compost required a big space somewhere in the house to start creating and taking care of, but I learned that compost actually requires very little effort, and it doesn´t have to stink.
Now we have expanded to creating good compost and, FYI, this is also another source of income.
Since our friends are seeing our dedication and the results we are getting. They actually want to try and contact us to buy our compost.
Green farm with sunset
It is interesting to see how many people “want to get into organic farming”, but they are not actually willing to do the job, and this is why it has worked amazingly for us, because we do it, and we love it.

Invest in yourself, healthy food, and a healthy family

For me, this is like buying health, not only in my body but in my mind and heart. It is nice to see my children participating in family activity and liking it.
I know that for many parents out there, your children might not be as enthusiastic as mine, but at least you will be doing something YOU love and isn’t that important as well.
Jake condensed so many years of experience into a clear, outlined, progression that gives clarity on how to grow healthy food and improve your health through what you eat.
For those of us who enjoy gardening. It also becomes a sort of meditation, and I find a weird satisfaction on seeing my food grow healthy, natural, no pesticides.
Mother and daughter at the farm
On a more vane note, I also like the fact that I’m growing mushrooms, I feel very cool with it. Maybe I am a gardening nerd, but it makes me feel better with myself and I love that.

Final thoughts

Taking the next step in a DIY project, or growing your own organic food, can be messy or confusing if we don´t know where to look.
When I decided to look into growing and harvesting mushrooms I had to invest a lot of my time into getting a proper guide that could help me.
Here is an amazing option that puts everything together in a book, and in videos. So you don’t need to go through all that research and trial and error.
Jake, a certified organic farmer, puts everything in one place so that the only thing left is for you to get to it.
There is nothing more rewarding than seeing our projects, both professional and personal, come to fruition. Well, with this guide you will get that and more.
I hope this review was useful. Stop reading and start doing. The only way you will see these beautiful tasty mushrooms in your table is if you start growing them now.
Get to it.